Alioğlu Farm – Livestock

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Danish Red

Service Overview

Danish Red

Danish Red cattle are a very important and main breed of dairy cattle in Northern Europe. The Danish Red is also known by other names such as the Red Danish, Rødt Dansk Malkekvog (Danish) and Fünen. It is a dual-purpose breed bred for both milk and meat production. The Danish Red cattle breed was originally developed in Denmark based on local cattle breeds crossed with Angeln cattle from Angeln, Schleswig.

The Danish Red is renowned for the quality of milk they produce. Their milk has a higher milk fat (approximately 4.1%) and protein content (approximately 3.5%) than the Holstein Friesian.


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Danish Red cows, which are solid red in color, typically weigh around 1,000 pounds, while mature bulls (usually darker in color) weigh around 1,000 pounds. Calves are born weighing around 100 to 110 pounds. Cows are highly productive and have long and productive lives. The calving process is relatively problem-free, with calving intervals of just under 13 months.

Although raised primarily as a dairy breed, the meat of the Danish Red is also highly regarded (slaughter yield is usually around 56%).